Weight Loss


Fiber Can Improve Weight Loss and Diet Adherence

A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition has found that during weight loss, those who increase their fiber intake the most lost the most weight and are also able to stick to their recommended diet plan more effectively than people who do not increase their fiber intake. In the POUNDS Lost (Preventing Overweight… Read more »


Intermittent Fasting Can Work, But Not a Magic Bullet

Intermittent fasting, a weight loss strategy which involves greatly restricting food intake on certain days of the week, has gained a lot of attention recently. In a recent article on Food and Nutrition, dietitian Taylor Wolfram explored the science behind intermittent fasting and found that it probably isn’t the magic bullet everyone is looking for, but… Read more »


How to Get in Control of Holiday Weight Gain

Weight gain is something that can impact everyone around the winter holidays. In an article titled Moving Beyond Holiday Weight Gain, Rachel Cheatham, PhD offers some tips to help give us some control over the winter weight gain. Dr. Cheatham’s tips include taking a pause before picking up sweet treats, being mindful about which foods… Read more »