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Your Favorite Nutrition, Food, and Health Articles of 2019

Published on: Jan 6 2020

Our most popular content among our readers in 2019 reflects what we do best: digging into the science behind the most popular trends in nutrition, food, and health.

Most-read articles from 2019

Close up image of peas

1. Nutritional Benefits of Plant Proteins Taking Root with Consumers

The plant-based trend continues to surge, so it’s no surprise this article topped our list. This article is your reference for the science behind plant-based diets, understanding the differences between plant protein and animal protein, and the best sources of plant protein.

Close up image of watermelon radishes

2. The FODMAP Diet for IBS – An FAQ

Many consider the FODMAP diet to be the next wave of the gluten-free trend. Researchers from Monash University in Australia have conducted much of the work around understanding FODMAPs, and that research is the basis for many of the answers in this Q&A.

3. Does Intermittent Fasting Work? A Science-Based Answer

Infographic showing how intermittent fasting and traditional dieting can lead to the same weight loss

4. Nutrition Benefits of Grass-Fed Dairy

Are dairy products from grass-fed cows really better for us? Recent research studies from scientists at Teagasc Moorepark Research Centre, Cork and the APC Microbiome Institute, University College Cork help provide an answer.

Close up image of french fries5. What Acrylamide is and How to Reduce It in Foods

New legislation limiting the amount of allowable acrylamide in foods put this potential carcinogen in the spotlight in 2019. Strategies to reduce its formation during food preparation or processing will be key for the future.

6. The Dairy Matrix: Beyond Individual Nutrients

Infographic showing how the combination of nutrients in dairy may make it healthy despite its saturated fat content.

Man swimming7. Three Things You Need to Know About Protein for Exercise Performance

There is more to protein than just the amount we eat when it comes to maximizing performance and muscle health. An annual favorite, and the ideas from this article can also be applied to healthy aging and weight loss.

Oil and water mixing8. ‘Why is Lecithin in my Food?’ An Overview of Emulsifiers

“Imagine yourself walking down the grocery store isle and picking up a food like peanut butter. You see on the ingredient list that your peanut butter contains mono-and diglycerides. You might think to yourself, ‘Another additive in my food? Why?’ To explain, it is best to describe the category these food additives fall under: emulsifiers.”

Close up of yogurt9. Are Fermented Foods the Same as Probiotics?

Probiotics and digestive health are more complicated than just eating more fermented food. Learn to navigate the digestive health trend in this article.

Image of coffee with airplane in the foam

10. 3 Tips for Eating Healthy While Traveling

The hardest time to eat healthy is when we’re unprepared. We lose a lot of the control we normally have over our lives when traveling, so use these tips to try to gain some of it back.


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