
Rebecca Kinsella, MS

Business Development Manager - Kerry
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Rebecca received her MS in Applied Human Nutrition from Oxford Brookes University in 2016 and is a member of the British Dietetic Association. She has 8 years of experience in the nutrition industry and has a keen interest in public health. She currently works for Kerry Taste & Nutrition where she is a Business Development Manager on the UK & Ireland team, working closely with the retail market.

MCTs and Coconut Oil for Weight: What Does Science Say?

Author(s): Rebecca Kinsella, MS

In the past decade, foods like coconut oil and bulletproof coffee have been in the headlines of countless nutrition news articles. One of the most common questions dietitians get asked is “what’s the truth about coconut oil, is it healthy?”. Scientific studies have shown that consuming certain types of dietary fats can reduce the amount… Read more »