
Keri McCrickerd, PhD

Principal Investigator - A*STAR Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS)
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Dr. Keri McCrickerd graduated from the University of Bristol with a B.Sc. in Experimental Psychology. She then began a 4-year PhD funded by the BBSRC DRINC initiative, with Prof. Martin Yeomans and Dr Lucy Chambers at the University of Sussex. Her PhD research considered how cognitive and sensory cues present at the time of ingestion could be optimised to improve the satiating power of nutrients consumed as a beverage. After completing her PhD, she joined the Clinical Nutrition Research Centre (SICS) in January 2015 as a Research Fellow in behavioural nutrition to work with Dr. Ciaran Forde and the Sensory and Ingestive Behaviour team.

The Future of Food Preference – What You Should Know from the 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium

Author(s): Ciarán Forde, PhD, Keri McCrickerd, PhD, and Nikos Padigas, PhD

Key takeaways from Pangborn 2019: Eating experience and environment has a large impact on food preference. Researchers and those seeking to maximize food preference need to consider consumer experience, using immersive techniques (e.g. augmented reality) to collect more realistic data. Sensory cues can be used to design products that can help make the healthy choice… Read more »