
Hilary McCahill, BSc, RD

Food Safety and Quality - Kerry
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Hilary McCahill is a registered dietitian fascinated with food safety, quality, and sustainable nutrition. She has a qualification in human nutrition and dietetics and is registered in both Ireland and the UK. She is passionate about high quality food production and using nutrition communication effectively to breakdown scientific findings (to ensure they are accessible to all). True to her interest in food safety, she is currently working within the quality sector in food industry.

Insights on Nutrition for Eye Health

Author(s): hellio

Have you ever heard of the phrase “carrots can help you to see in the dark”? This long-standing belief originating from the second world war has been passed around millions of households throughout generations.1 This begs the question – can the food we consume improve our visual health? Not only is good nutrition important for... Read more »

The Importance of Hydration

Author(s): Hilary McCahill, BSc, RD

The importance of hydration lies in its role in allowing the body to perform our internal processes effectively and efficiently. Learn more about hydration’s impact on physical health and mental health.


Kokumi: Taste or Texture? 

Author(s): Hilary McCahill, BSc, RD

Kokumi has been part of the Japanese culinary tradition for centuries. It is associated with foods that exhibit a fullness, succulence and craveability. Is it a taste? How does it work to improve flavor of food?