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Navigating Menopause: Celebrating World Menopause Day

Published on: Oct 18 2023

October 18th is World Menopause Day. It’s a day to come together an recognize the significance of menopause in the lives of women worldwide. With the importance of Women’s Health across the life stages, we would like to share key insights from our women’s health webinar that explored the intricate relationship between menopause, health, and nutrition.

Menopause is an inherent and transformative phase in a woman’s life. This natural transition brings about a myriad of changes, both physical and emotional. Our recent webinar delved into the diverse aspects of menopause, shedding light on its impact on women’s overall well-being.

In the video from the webinar, our experts Dr Izaskun Monsalve and Dr Monica Maria Olivares discuss the science behind menopause and the opportunities to innovate. More importantly, they explored the crucial roles that health and nutrition play in managing symptoms and promote long-term health.

Join us on this informative journey as we celebrate World Menopause Day by fostering awareness and encouraging informed choices.

Together, let’s embark on this journey towards better health and well-being for women globally.


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