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Study: Wellmune Reduces Illness Risk in Children

Published on: Mar 9 2017

A recently published clinical study has found that Wellmune can protect children from illness. In the study, children aged 1 to 4 years old were provided Wellmune, a natural beta 1,3/1,6 glucan derived from the cell wall of a highly purified, proprietary strain of baker’s yeast, daily for 12 weeks.

85% of children acquired an infectious illness over the study duration when they were provided a placebo, while only 32% of children consuming Wellmune acquired an infectious illness over the 12 weeks.

The duration of illness was shorter in children consuming Wellmune; the average number of days children showed symptoms of illness was only 4.7 days in children consuming Wellmune compared to nearly 10 days on average for children consuming a placebo.

See our white paper on the science of Wellmune here.

Wellmune is a nutritional ingredient that is found in food, beverages and supplements in over 60 countries globally and is safe for everyday use. This study demonstrates that incorporating Wellmune as a functional ingredient into foods or beverages frequently consumed by children could reduce illness frequency and severity.

Find the full study study here.

Reference: Meng F (2016) Baker’s Yeast Beta-Glucan Decreases Episodes of Common Childhood Illness In 1 to 4 Year Old Children during Cold Season in China. J Nutr Food Sci 6: 518. doi:10.4172/2155-9600.1000519


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