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FDA modernizes Nutrition Facts label for packaged foods

Published on: Mar 9 2017

In May 20, 2016, the U.S. FDA took a major step in making sure consumers have updated nutritional information for most packaged foods sold in the United States to aid informed decision-making about the foods people eat and feed their families. Most food manufacturers will be required to use the new label by January 1, 2020. See the FDA’s announcement here.

This is the first major update to the Nutrition Facts Panel since 1993. Below are some resources that may be helpful in explaining the changes and how they might impact manufacturers and consumers.

The Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute interprets the changes step-by-step (PDF)

What Does The New Nutrition Facts Panel Mean For You? Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Explains Changes

The FDA explains the upcoming changes (images below courtesy of

  • Label Format: Original vs. New

  • What’s Different

  • Serving Size Changes


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