Consumer Lifestyle Trends
These consumer trends help us to look at things from another perspective, becoming more outward-looking and consumer driven; they encourage us to look forward, ensuring that our strategies remain proactive to the changing consumer landscape, and they act as a catalyst for new thoughts and ideas, providing inspiration for profitable growth.
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Community & Identity
"I want to express the views and values of myself and my community, and have that uniqueness and creativity respected and celebrated" Harnessing creativity, DIY, involvement, and inclusion are all central to this trend. "
Harnessing creativity, DIY, involvement, and inclusion are all central to this trend.

Engaging Experiences
"I want moments of discovery and delight that enhance my day, sharing exciting stories and spaces with others"
Enjoyable and novel experiences continue to form moments of escapism in consumers’ lives.

Fuller Lives
"I want to use my time to be as productive and sociable as possible, flowing from one thing to the next - and helped, not hindered, by tech"
Busy schedules have left consumers looking to technology to help them with routine tasks to make their lives easier, leaving more time for them to focus on what they enjoy.

Health and Wellbeing
"I want to eat, drink and live to optimise my body's systems, to feel better than well today and tomorrow"
To deal with their maxed-out lives, today’s consumer has fully embraced a more holistic approach to looking after their well-being, which increasingly focuses on mind as well as body.

Responsible Living
"I want to have a positive impact on my society and the environment, and take pride in that sustainable way of living"
Technology and easy access to information have connected consumers to a new sense of connection with their world and communities.
Source: Bord Bia Consumer Lifestyle Trends 2018