Plant protein


The Role of Enzymes in Food

Author(s): Niall Higgins, PhD, Billy Ryan, PhD, and Josh Taylor, PhD

Enzymes are used in food processing as a natural way to improve nutrition and texture. Learn about their importance in plant-based foods, infant formula, and more.


Flavour Masking Challenges in Plant-Based Meat Alternatives

Author(s): Peter Lee, PhD

Plant-based meat alternatives often have challenges with off-tastes like bitter, earthy, beany, astringent, and green. Understanding the chemistry and source of off-notes can help mask them efficiently without negatively impacting the nutrition.


Active Ageing – How Can We Optimise Plant Proteins?

Author(s): Ryan Hazlett, MSc

Plant proteins are seen as key to the future of the planet, but they may have some limitations for active ageing. This article reviews actionable strategies such as processing, protein blending, or targeting leucine content that can improve the ability of plant proteins to promote active ageing.


Webinar – Sustainable Nutrition: Tackling Taste Challenges

Addressing sustainable nutrition is top-of-mind globally, but optimising for nutrition and sustainability can impact taste of foods and beverages. Learn about the role of taste science in tackling challenges that come with sustainable nutrition initiatives like sugar reduction and plant-based eating.


Webinar – Plant-based Protein Future: Myths and Realities

In this webinar, learn: How we can optimize plant based protein for taste and nutrition – what we do and don’t know about healthy diets and the role of protein sources How we can optimize new plant-based proteins for the environment – highlighting the trade-offs and unknowns of plant-based protein development Which new protein sources… Read more »


Soy’s Role in Health

Author(s): Aoife Marie Murphy, PhD and Michael Kemp, PhD, RD

Soy has received more attention in the past few years due to the growing popularity of plant protein and plant-based diets. However, there have also been mixed messages about soy in the media over the past few decades, which leaves many people confused about soy’s role in health. “Is soy unhealthy or healthy?” is the… Read more »


Your Favorite Nutrition, Food, and Health Articles of 2019

Our most popular content among our readers in 2019 reflects what we do best: digging into the science behind the most popular trends in nutrition, food, and health. Most-read articles from 2019 1. Nutritional Benefits of Plant Proteins Taking Root with Consumers The plant-based trend continues to surge, so it’s no surprise this article topped… Read more »


What is it About Legumes and Pulses?

Author(s): Nathan Pratt, PhD, RD / Wiwid Paramita, PhD

Legumes are some of the most nutritious foods on earth and one of the most environmentally sustainable protein sources. Read about legumes and how to incorporate them into products.


High Protein Foods – What Matters to Consumers?

Protein is one of the strongest trends in the food and beverage industry, but there aren’t many scientific studies which measure consumer preferences and perceptions toward high protein foods and beverages. A study recently published in the journal Appetite tried to answer some important questions using a qualitative focus group approach in European consumers. Questions… Read more »


Top Health and Nutrition Content for 2017

To start off the new year, we wanted to take a look back at our most popular content in 2017. These topics will likely be influencing the food and nutrition world for time to come, so be sure to check them out and stay tuned for lots of great content in 2018! Top Blog: Nutritional… Read more »


Highlights from the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo 2017

Author(s): Jenna Mills, MS, RD

Every year at the Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE), professionals in food and nutrition gather for the latest and greatest in both nutrition science and industry trends.  FNCE took place at the McCormick Place in Chicago, IL on October 20-23rd, marking the centennial year of the event hosted by the Academy of Nutrition… Read more »


Join Us at the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo 2017!

The Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute is hosting two educational sessions at the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo 2017 (FNCE) in Chicago, Illinois. FNCE 2017 takes place October 21-24. From the FNCE website: “Each fall, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics sponsors the world’s largest meeting of food and nutrition experts — more than… Read more »


Webinar – Plant Proteins: Overcoming Inherent Hurdles

View “Plant Proteins – Overcoming Inherent Hurdles” sponsored by the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute at this link. Summary As mainstream consumers become more aware of protein’s benefits in supporting active lifestyles, muscle health, weight wellness and cardiometabolic health, they are fueling demand for protein, and interest in plant proteins is also rising. The market… Read more »