Nutrition needs for children and teenagers Growth and development relies on good nutrition Growing from a child into an adult involves much more than we can see with our own eyes. Kids are constantly growing taller and stronger, which we can see, but also developing their senses, cognitive capabilities, or their blood volume is expanding… Read more »
The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has released a new report that focuses on restricting junk food marketing to children and provides advice to policy makers. According to the report, research has shown that seeing 4.4 minutes of food advertising can lead to children eating 60 more calories a day. As little as 46 extra… Read more »
Whole-grain consumption seems to have cardiovascular benefits in adults, but not as much is known about whole-grain benefits in children. Most of us eat do not eat enough wholegrains to get the health benefits from the whole range of nutrients they contain such as fiber, B vitamins, essential fatty acids, protein, antioxidants and other micronutrients… Read more »