

Top Health and Nutrition Articles of 2020

2020 brought a lot of surprises for the areas of food, health, and nutrition. It changed the topics people wanted to learn about, foods people shopped for, prepared, and ate, and how each of us chose to cope with stress. Most importantly, it had many of us searching for science-based answers to many of our… Read more »


Does the Keto Diet Help Endurance Athletes?

Author(s): Lisa Ryan, PhD, RNutr

The Ketogenic diet is a low carbohydrate, high fat (LCHF) diet Different dietary trends come into popularity at various stages and recent times have seen the resurgence of the low carbohydrate – high fat diet (LCHF) diet, this time in the form of ‘the ketogenic diet’.  This diet encourages less than 10% of total calories… Read more »