In our recent article, we described the “Quality Calorie concept” from the British Nutrition Foundation, which is an approach to looking beyond total calories to improve total nutrient density of the diet. Many of the approaches described in the Quality Calorie concept can be adapted by the food and beverage industry to make a substantial… Read more »
healthier food
Anyone who has ever been on a diet will be familiar with the terms ‘reduced calories’ or ‘counting calories’, but what about the other parts of a healthy diet, beyond calories? Nutrient density has a large role to play in a healthy diet. The high obesity rates globally suggest that on average, we consume too… Read more »
Read a webinar summary in the article “Calorie reduction to become a “critical component” of future food design“. Consumers are often unaware of the energy density of the foods they consume, making them vulnerable to excess calorie consumption. As a result, initiatives to reduce the number of calories in foods and beverages are emerging globally,… Read more »