The intersection of nutrition and science continues to break new ground as Kerry Group, a global leader in taste and nutrition solutions, partners with APC Microbiome Ireland, a world-renowned research center focused on microbiome science. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in understanding and leveraging the gut-brain axis—a complex system that plays a crucial… Read more »
gut brain axis
A hormone that influences when and how frequently animals eat also appears to affect memory, USC scientists have found. Animals and humans have the hormone ghrelin in their stomachs. Ghrelin tells animals as well as humans when they are hungry and helps regulate their metabolism, but scientists have never been certain how exactly it works.… Read more »
The boom in microbiome research in recent years has led to a greater understanding of how we interact with the microbes that live in the human body. It has also brought a multitude of different ways to manipulate the microbiome to improve health along with it, including probiotics, prebiotics, and now the postbiotics. Probiotics are… Read more »
We all have our good days and bad days for mood. This is relevant now more than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many people all over the world to feel increasing levels of anxiety, uncertainty and isolation. People are adjusting to working from home, which makes it even more difficult to strike a work-life… Read more »
This toolbox is a one-stop-shop for all of the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute resources on digestive health, one of the 10 key health and nutrition trends for 2019. The Basics of Digestive Health If you’re looking to know more about what digestive health means to consumers, as well as scientifically, start with these great… Read more »
What better way to start 2019 than reflecting on some of our readers’ favorite content from 2018? It’s no surprise that our most popular content is aligned with top nutrition trends in 2018, like digestive wellness, beverages redefined, and clean label. Be sure to check out our updated 10 Key Health and Nutrition Trends for… Read more »
Long before we knew about a gut-brain axis, people have experienced events that impact both their brain and their bowels. For me, one I recall quite vividly is waiting for my name to be announced at a public speaking event. While I waited, all that I could think of was “should I fight it out… Read more »