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Top Health and Nutrition Content for 2017

To start off the new year, we wanted to take a look back at our most popular content in 2017. These topics will likely be influencing the food and nutrition world for time to come, so be sure to check them out and stay tuned for lots of great content in 2018! Top Blog: Nutritional… Read more »


Clean, Natural, and Organic: A Dietitian Perspective

Clean, natural, and organic are popular words we see on food packages aimed to guide shoppers toward healthy products. In this article in the latest issue of Today’s Dietitian, health educators weigh in on the free-from trend.  Dietitians are consumers’ most trusted source of health information (2017 Food & Health Survey) and are the health professionals responsible for… Read more »


The Knowns and Unknowns of Food Sensitivities

‘Free-from’ trends like gluten-free and lactose-free are becoming increasingly common with consumers, leaving many scientists and health practitioners scratching their heads. After all, the rate of diagnosed food allergies aren’t increasing. Nevertheless, gluten-free has grown to an industry worth almost $2 billion. If you speak to a dietitian about the role of ‘free-from’ foods in… Read more »


What Digestive Health Benefits Do Consumers Want?

Author(s): Caroline Cummins, MS, RNutr

This blog explores the consumer perspective and market of digestive health. Read What Does Digestive Health Really Mean? to learn more about digestive health and some of the terms used in this blog, like microbiome and FODMAPs. Optimum digestive health has been a mainstay consumer desire for over 20 years, but it has been experienced an… Read more »