
Sarah Burke, PhD

Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager - Kerry
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Sarah Burke holds a BSc in Nutritional Sciences from University College Cork and a PhD in Nutrition from Trinity College Dublin.  Her academic research was in the area of public health nutrition, studying food and nutrient intakes of the Irish population with a to estimate exposure to food chemicals, and developing food based dietary guidelines. Since then Sarah’s work has focused on food legislation (in particular, nutrition-related food legislation) through positions with the Food Safety Authority of Ireland and the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority.  She joined Kerry in 2014 and is currently a senior regulatory affairs manager supporting Kerry’s protein and infant formula business.

Unified Nutrient Profiling in the EU – Are We Nearing the End of a 15 Year Journey?

Author(s): Sarah Burke, PhD

It has been more than 15 years since the EU published legislation limiting the types of claims that can be made on ‘unhealthy’ foods, but there is still not agreement on the exact nutrient profiles to be used. What challenges have led to this long journey, when can we expect unified guidelines on nutrient criteria for claims and front-of-labelling, and how will it impact the food and beverage market?