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We Are Proudly Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute

Published on: Mar 10 2025


The Kerry Health & Nutrition Institute (KHNI) is celebrating its 10-year anniversary in 2025, marking a decade of dedication to advancing health and nutrition science.

Established in 2015 and born out of our commitment to sharing the science of healthier food with the food industry, the KHNI brings together a network of over 1100 Kerry scientists, Scientific Advisory Council and external partners, passionate about bringing the voice of science to some of the most challenging questions facing the food and beverage industry.

Over the past decade we have published hundreds of articles and hosted over 30 webinars and live events sharing the latest advancements in topics such as sustainable nutrition, sugar and sodium reduction, women’s health, the microbiome, biotechnology, policy shifts and more.

Learn more about the KHNI in our short celebratory video – all that we have achieved over 10 years, and how we are looking forward to sharing the science of healthier food in the future.


Aoife Marie Murphy, PhD

Global Sustainable Nutrition Manager - Kerry

As Sustainable Nutrition Manager at Kerry, Aoife’s role involves assessing Kerry’s global ingredients portfolio for nutrition and sustainability impacts. Aoife is passionate about science communication and manages the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute, a non-commercial thought leadership platform that disseminates the latest insights in nutrition science for the food industry.

Erik Bauer, MSc

Senior Nutrition Scientist - Kerry

Erik Bauer is a microbiologist and nutritionist that has over a decade of experience across food, beverage, supplement, and pharmaceuticals. He has been with Kerry for over 8 years. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Microbiology from the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse and a Master’s Degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition through University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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