The Kerry Health & Nutrition Institute (KHNI) is celebrating its 10-year anniversary in 2025, marking a decade of dedication to advancing health and nutrition science. Established in 2015 and born out of our commitment to sharing the science of healthier food with the food industry, the KHNI brings together a network of over… Read more »
Industry and Nutrition News
Stay informed with the latest developments at the intersection of nutrition science, policy, and the food industry. This section brings you food industry news, expert analysis, and trends affecting food production, regulation, and consumer health. Stay ahead with insights from the ever-evolving world of nutrition.
As the year comes to a close, we would like to reflect on some of the most viewed content from Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute in 2024. From sustainable nutrition and biotechnology to cognitive and women’s health, these articles captured the essence of innovation and science-forward thinking in the food and nutrition space. Here are… Read more »
An exciting and inspiring few days spent in Dublin’s Convention Centre for the European Congress of Immunology (ECI) 2024, where Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute sponsored a symposium on Wellmune-Induced Innate Trained Immunity. ECI is an event in its seventh year, organised by the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS), that represents more than 14,000 individual immunologists… Read more »
Video Credit: Food & Beverage Asia In conjunction with United Nations Climate Week 2024, the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute had the privilege to host a hybrid event on 27 September 2024. This event brought together foodservice industry and nutrition experts for a dynamic panel discussion, broadcasted from the Kerry Global Business Services… Read more »
Professor Helen Sheridan BSc, MA, PhD, FRSC, FTCD: Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute is pleased to announce that Dr. Helen Sheridan has joined our Scientific Advisory Council. Helen is a Professor in Natural Product Science at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SoPPS) at Trinity College Dublin (TCD). She is founder and academic… Read more »
In 2023, our experts focused on a few of the major factors influencing the world of food, beverage, and nutrition – Sustainable nutrition, Women’s Health, the microbiome, food waste, and nutrients linked to health such as sodium reduction. As we look back on 2023, we wanted to share the top health and nutrition pieces that… Read more »
The European legislation for Emulsifier E 471 (mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids) will be amended by the European Commission after recommendations by the European Food Safety Authorisation (EFSA). The updated specification for E 471 will be extended with additional contaminants commonly found in emulsifiers, i.e., Glycidyl Esters (GE) and 3-monochloropropanediol (3-MCPD). Mono- and diglycerides… Read more »
It has been more than 15 years since the EU published legislation limiting the types of claims that can be made on ‘unhealthy’ foods, but there is still not agreement on the exact nutrient profiles to be used. What challenges have led to this long journey, when can we expect unified guidelines on nutrient criteria for claims and front-of-labelling, and how will it impact the food and beverage market?
Upcoming legislation will restrict advertising and price promotions of unhealthy foods in the UK. We share formulation tips to improve nutrition scores based on the criteria used in the legislation.
We are pleased to welcome Dr. Yasuo Watanabe to our Scientific Advisory Council. Read a Q&A with Dr. Watanabe in this article – from the link between mind and body health and the importance of sleep, to the importance of taste and the health benefits of turmeric, kelp, tea catechins and botanical extracts, Dr. Watanabe has a unique expertise and insight on the functional health benefits of food.
Reformulating foods to reduce content of nutrients like sodium, sugar, and fat is a key pillar of public health strategies globally. Learn about new research that explores the impact of reformulation on nutrient intakes and consumer acceptance.
What does selenium do for the immune system? Selenium is important in the immune system’s ability to protect against infection. Selenium is a mineral that is important for a group of proteins called selenoproteins, which have quite a few different functions in the body. Some selenoproteins, called glutathione peroxidases, are important for the body’s antioxidant system,… Read more »
Our most popular content among our readers in 2019 reflects what we do best: digging into the science behind the most popular trends in nutrition, food, and health. Most-read articles from 2019 1. Nutritional Benefits of Plant Proteins Taking Root with Consumers The plant-based trend continues to surge, so it’s no surprise this article topped… Read more »
Hosted in Dublin, October 15th to 18th, the 13th Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) Conference is the premier European meeting in its field. The theme for this year’s conference was “Malnutrition in an Obese World – European Perspectives”, and featured a wide range of international speakers, covering the spectrum of nutritional science in plenary… Read more »
The Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute are delighted to announce that Maria Marco, Ph.D. has been appointed as a Scientific Advisor to the Kerry Health & Nutrition Institute. Supported by Kerry’s science and nutrition teams, the aim of the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute’s Scientific Advisory Council is to guide Kerry’s research and innovation teams… Read more »
In the United States, over 90% of people consume more than the recommended intake The majority of the population in France (89%), the UK (83%), and Mexico (44%) also fail to meet recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO). Potassium chloride is one way to reduce sodium content of foods, potentially helping people meet sodium… Read more »
At the Kerry Wellness Conference hosted last month in Naas, Ireland, Dr. Lisa Ryan from our Scientific Advisory Council sat down to talk through the personalised nutrition trend. Specifically, what tools are available, how does technology help, and where does the science stand? Looking at the gut microbiome as an example of how personalised nutrition can… Read more »
Fast-food restaurants often shoulder much of the blame for people overeating when dining out, but a new study shows we may need to be taking a harder look at the nutrition of full-service restaurants. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Liverpool, examined the calorie content of meals at fast-food and full-service… Read more »
The production of organic foods has been regulated at European level for quite a long time, EC Regulation 834/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council (further: Regulation) laying down the principles and rules. However, since 2007 the organic farming sector of the EU has developed rapidly and as foreseen in the Regulation, a… Read more »
Germany recently approved an initiative called the National Reduction and Innovation Strategy focused on introducing voluntary reduction targets for the amount of salt, sugar, and fat in food. The government is working with industry players to determine what the reduction targets will be in early 2019, with the goal of achieving the targets by 2025.… Read more »
What better way to start 2019 than reflecting on some of our readers’ favorite content from 2018? It’s no surprise that our most popular content is aligned with top nutrition trends in 2018, like digestive wellness, beverages redefined, and clean label. Be sure to check out our updated 10 Key Health and Nutrition Trends for… Read more »
Perfiles Nutrimentales en la región Latinoamericana (En Español) Herramienta de oportunidad para la innovación y desarrollo de nuevos productos. Anali Lopez, MS; Estela Sanchez, BS; Isabel Martin, BS; & Lilian Charchalac, MS Resumen Con el objetivo de informar y facilitar la toma decisiones para una mejor elección de alimentos y productos en la población, desde… Read more »
World Food Day, October 16th, celebrates the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and is a day to bring awareness and improvements to hunger worldwide. To mark World Food Day 2018, Kerry Group has partnered with a leading international NGO, Concern Worldwide, to embark on a mission to improve food… Read more »
IFT 2018 – over 23,000 people came together to learn the latest and greatest updates in food science and innovation. Walking the expo floor, a few things stood out. At this point in the world of the food and beverage industry, clean labels and protein are almost table stakes for many products, so I wanted… Read more »
Preventing chronic diseases like cancer is a main driver for diet change globally. This report from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) looks at the strength of evidence relating various dietary and physical activity factors against the risk of developing different cancers. It also assesses the risk of these factors to weight gain; it is important… Read more »
School lunches are a key source of nutrition for children from low-income families around the world, and milk can play an important part of this nutritious package. It offers essential, high quality protein for growth, as well as calcium for bone growth, B vitamins, and vitamin A for eye health. However, getting safe milk to… Read more »
To start off the new year, we wanted to take a look back at our most popular content in 2017. These topics will likely be influencing the food and nutrition world for time to come, so be sure to check them out and stay tuned for lots of great content in 2018! Top Blog: Nutritional… Read more »
Every year at the Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE), professionals in food and nutrition gather for the latest and greatest in both nutrition science and industry trends. FNCE took place at the McCormick Place in Chicago, IL on October 20-23rd, marking the centennial year of the event hosted by the Academy of Nutrition… Read more »
The most cutting edge nutrition and food science research around the globe is conducted in university laboratories, but did you ever wonder what happens to this research once it’s published in a journal? Who uses it? Does it just collect dust? How do the benefits shown in the research make it to consumers? Or do… Read more »
October 16th is World Food Day, a celebration of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The goal of World Food Day is to improve awareness of hunger worldwide, and encourage action by those who can help. According to the FAO: The world produces enough food to feed everyone,… Read more »
A regulatory update for the United States brings welcome news to food manufacturers: extra time to implement the new nutrition facts labels, which include additions like added sugar, new serving size requirements, and a changing definition of fiber, initially proposed by FDA in 2016. The FDA is currently accepting comments on a decision to extend… Read more »
The Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute is hosting two educational sessions at the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo 2017 (FNCE) in Chicago, Illinois. FNCE 2017 takes place October 21-24. From the FNCE website: “Each fall, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics sponsors the world’s largest meeting of food and nutrition experts — more than… Read more »
Diabetes is a challenging condition that has far-reaching effects beyond physical health. Managing the condition requires constant attention to what someone must eat, which can impact mental and social health, too. The infographic below from the US Center for Disease Control is an at-a-glance snapshot of what diabetes is, who if affects, and how it… Read more »
Kerry’s partnership with the World Food Programme is set to improve nutrition of meals at school by working with local communities, farmers, and national stakeholders.
An estimated 795 million people worldwide (roughly one in nine) are chronically undernourished, 161 million of which are children. Advances in community-based approaches using ready to use therapeutic foods (RUTFs) are helping address world hunger. RUTFs provide a great opportunity for innovation to improve delivery of vital food and nutrients to struggling populations.
July 2016 will bring important changes in the regulation of nutritional or dietetic products in the European Union. Foods previously exempt from certain regulations by PARNUTs legislation will now have to comply with all regulation specific to general foods, such as nutrition and health claims, food fortification, and food supplements.
Food choices and eating habits have changed dramatically around the world over the past fifty years. Our diets have been influenced by a range of factors; technologies in our kitchen, modes of transport supplying our shops, media, government as well as trade and migration.
Collaboration is key to address global food and nutrition programs – read about three major themes that are driving innovation globally.
The theme of National Nutrition Month is “Put Your Best Fork Forward” this year, emphasizing the importance of small behavior changes.
A review of the most viewed content on the Institute website
A summary of Daily Values and unit changes on the Nutrition Facts Label
Scientists recently attempted to identify areas for dietary intervention and improvement in the area of snacking by answering the questions “What is a snack?”, “Why do we snack?”, and “what food choices are people making when they snack?”
A recent review, Dairy Foods: Current Evidence of their Effects on Bone, Cardiometabolic, Cognitive, and Digestive Health.