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KHNI Q Science Shorts – Exploring the Science of Mood and Food

Published on: Apr 7 2021

How can the foods we eat influence our mood? Has science been able to explain a link between food and mood?

In this KHNI Q Science Short, Aoife Marie Murphy, PhD answers these questions and more. Watch the video to learn about:

    • How food and nutrition can support different mood states like energy and relaxation
    • Areas of emerging science on food and mood, like the gut-brain axis and nootropics
    • Three simple dietary changes that science shows can improve mood

KHNI Q is a video series where scientific experts demystify the science behind healthier food.


Aoife Marie Murphy, PhD

Global Sustainable Nutrition Manager - Kerry

As Sustainable Nutrition Manager at Kerry, Aoife’s role involves assessing Kerry’s global ingredients portfolio for nutrition and sustainability impacts. Aoife is passionate about science communication and manages the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute, a non-commercial thought leadership platform that disseminates the latest insights in nutrition science for the food industry.

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