
Marianna Domolki, BS

Regulatory Principal Scientist - Kerry
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After earning her degree in Food Engineering, Marianna worked in the Ministry of Agriculture in Hungary for nearly 8 years. Apart from being responsible for the national food legislation, she participated in a number of expert working groups at the European Commission thus actively taking part in the creation of legislation such as food labelling, nutrition and health claims, food contaminants, additives or food contact materials. During these years she also had the opportunity to represent Hungary at the Codex Alimentarius Commission and several of its Committees.

What is New on the Organic Front in the EU?

Author(s): Marianna Domolki, BS

The production of organic foods has been regulated at European level for quite a long time, EC Regulation 834/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council (further: Regulation) laying down the principles and rules. However, since 2007 the organic farming sector of the EU has developed rapidly and as foreseen in the Regulation, a… Read more »