
Caoileann Murphy, PhD

Senior Nutrition Researcher - Australian Catholic University
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Dr. Caoileann Murphy (M.Sc, Ph.D) is a Registered Dietitian and Postdoctoral Fellow in the Institute of Sport and Health at University College, Dublin. Caoileann’s research investigates the role of nutrition and exercise in slowing the age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength, with the goal of developing lifestyle strategies to improve healthy ageing.

The Impact of Social Isolation on Eating Behaviour and Nutrition

Author(s): Caoileann Murphy, PhD, RD

Staying at home with minimal human contact can significantly increase our feelings of loneliness. People of all ages may experience loneliness. However, older people, particularly those living alone and advised to “cocoon”, are especially vulnerable. Loneliness and social isolation can negatively impact our mental and physical health (1), in part through adversely affecting behaviours like… Read more »


Maintaining Healthy Muscles and Mobility in Older Adults During Social Distancing

Author(s): Caoileann Murphy, PhD, RD and Aoife Marie Murphy, PhD

People aged 60 years and over are a vulnerable group with respect to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Measures to protect older people from contracting the virus include personal hygiene practices, social distancing and staying at home. These are extraordinary measures, and while it is vital for public health that these are adhered to, they can… Read more »