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Digestive health

  • As humans age, the digestive system can slow down and an age related decline in digestive enzymes can also be seen. (Key word: Aging and the digestive system)
  • These factors can play a role in several digestive system disorders such as constipation and diarrhoea.
  • Older adults are also more likely to develop diverticular disease. Diverticular disease is far more common in older people. The prevalence at 60 years is estimated at 30% while this increases to 65% over the age of 80.
  • Prebiotics and probiotics can help establish and maintain healthy gut microflora, which in turn is beneficial for healthy digestion and stimulation of the immune system
  • A diet rich in fibre can support gut function and can help with regular digestion, constipation and diarrhoea.

Kerry Offering

  • Ultranor Milk Protein Isolates and concentrates
  • Hyprol – Hydrolysed Dairy and Plant Proteins
  • Emulgold Fibre – Soluble gum acacia fibre
  • Profile GOS – GOS enriched whey powder
  • Harvest solutions – Stabilised wholegrain base
  • Beatreme yoghurt powder/ Fermented skimmed milk powder
  • Selpro 80 – Selectively Hydrolysed protein
  • Taste systems
  • Fermented ingredients
  • Enzyme solutions

Bone and joint health

Bone mass increases throughout growth until our about the age of 20, when peak bone mass is achieved. From the age of around 40 onwards, bone loss exceeds bone formation and bone mass decreases. (Key word: Decreasing bone mass)

Excess bone loss leads to osteoporosis – a condition characterised by bone fragility and an increased risk of fracture.

Healthy bones can only be achieved and maintained if the diet meets nutritional requirements. Adequate protein and micronutrients such as Vitamin D, vitamin K, Vitamin A, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium are needed to support bone mineral density. Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids have also been shown to be beneficial for joint health to lower inflammation

Kerry Offering

  • Ultranor Milk Protein Isolates and concentrates
  • Hyprol – Hydrolysed Dairy and Plant Proteins
  • Profile GOS – GOS enriched whey powder
  • Taste systems
  • Fermented ingredients
  • Enzyme solutions

Heart health

  • Heart health refers to the health of the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death globally. CVD’s are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels and include coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. It’s origin is multifactorial and strongly associated with risk factors such as poor diet and inadequate physical activity.
  • Nutritional recommendations for primary and secondary prevention include: Healthy fats (MUFA, LCPUFA-EPA/DHA) are recommended to support healthy blood lipids, lower inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity, Soluble dietary fiber to regulate blood lipids & glucose and improve insulin sensitivity and adequate wholegrain and Protein intake to support weight management, body composition and normal blood pressure.

Kerry Offering

  • Ultranor Milk Protein Isolates and concentrates
  • Protein crisps – High protein crisps
  • Hyprol – Hydrolysed Dairy and Plant Proteins
  • Harvest solutions – Stabilised wholegrain base
  • Emulgold Fibre – Soluble gum acacia fibre
  • Taste systems
  • Fermented ingredients
  • Enzyme solutions

Muscle health

  • Human muscle undergoes constant changes. After about age 50, muscle mass decreases at an annual rate of 1-2%. Muscle strength declines by 3% per year after the age of 60. (Key words: Changes in muscle mass)
  • Sarcopenia is the progressive loss of muscle mass, muscle quality and physical strength and function. On average it is estimated that 11-50% of elderly people aged 80 years and over are affected by sarcopenia.
  • The progression of sarcopenia is influenced by insufficient intakes of protein and energy, impaired utilisation of nutrients, insulin resistance, subclinical inflammation and inactivity.
  • Adequate protein intake is therefore essential to support muscle building, maintenance and slow muscle loss.
  • Adequate energy balance as well as sufficient micronutrient intakes are essential for muscle health

Kerry Offering

  • Ultranor Milk Protein Isolates and concentrates
  • Hyprol – Hydrolysed Dairy and Plant Proteins
  • Taste systems
  • Fermented ingredients
  • Enzyme solutions

Immune health

  • The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body from infection. The immune system prevents and limits the entry and growth of harmful microbes to maintain optimal health.
  • As people age, the immune system is slower to respond thus increasing the risk of disease. Healing is also slowed in older persons due to fewer immune cells in the body. The immune systems ability to detect and correct cell defects also declines, leading to an increased risk of diseases such as cancer. (Key word: Aging and immunity)
  • Adequate protein status is essential to support immune health and may aid in the reduction of infection risk.
  • Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals also help to boost natural defences and protect cells.

Kerry Offering

  • Selpro 80 – Selectively Hydrolysed protein
  • Ultranor Milk Protein Isolates and concentrates
  • Hyprol – Hydrolysed Dairy and Plant Proteins
  • Emulgold fibre – Soluble Gum acacia fibre
  • Profile GOS – GOS enriched whey powder
  • Taste systems
  • Fermented ingredients
  • Enzyme solutions

Weight management and diabetes

  • Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder in the world. Worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since 1980. 35% of adults were overweight or obese in 2008. (Key word: Obesity epidemic)
  • Nutritional considerations include: Portion and calorie control to support energy balance, protein and fibre intake for appetite regulation and satiety purposes, nutrient density to provide balanced nutrition, lower sugar and fat intake to avoid empty calories and support energy balance, soluble fibre and wholegrains for blood glucose regulation.

382 million people have diabetes by 2035 this will rise to 592 million. The prevalence of obesity and diabetes peaks during healthy aging. (Key word: Rising Diabetes prevalence)

The focus during the senior years, should continue to be optimising blood glucose control and weight while still meeting all nutritional requirements. (Key word: Optimise blood glucose and weight)

Kerry Offering

  • Emulgold Fibre – Soluble gum acacia fibre
  • Harvest solutions – Stabilised wholegrain base
  • Ultranor Milk Protein Isolates and concentrates
  • Hyprol – Hydrolysed Dairy and Plant Proteins
  • LFC-24 – Sodium Caseinate Hydrolysate
  • Protein crisps – High protein crisps
  • Taste systems
  • Fermented ingredients
  • Enzyme solutions

Cognitive health

  • All aging humans will develop some degree of decline in cognitive capacity as time progresses. Data indicates the deterioration of the biological framework that underlies the ability to think and reason may begin as early as the mid twenties.
  • Cognitive decline does not affect all individuals equally and clear associations exist between rate and severity of cognitive decline and a variety of factors including nutritional status. (Key word: Individual variation)
  • In relation to general cognitive health, a number of ingredients have been shown to potentially have a positive impact including LCPUFA – DHA and ARA, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, vitamin B6, Choline, Iron, Zinc to support brain health and cognitive performance (Key word: Nutrition and cognition)

Kerry Offering

  • NLCS – Nutritional lipid cognitive system
  • Taste systems
  • Fermented ingredients
  • Enzyme solutions

Critical care/ Oncology

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. It accounted for 8.2 million deaths in 2012. Annual cancer deaths are expected to increase by 4 million over the next 20 years.

Malnutrition is a common problem among patients with cancer, affecting up to 85% of patients with certain cancers, thus the main priority in many cases is energy and protein intake to avoid malnutrition and weight loss.

Other considerations include vitamin A, D, C, B vitamins and iron to name a few. LCPUFA’s may also be indicated as they have been shown to effectively attenuate certain metabolic changes underlying cancer cachexia.

Kerry Offering

  • Ultranor Milk Protein Isolates and concentrates
  • Hyprol – Hydrolysed Dairy and Plant Proteins
  • Hyprol Mildly Hydrolysed Milk Proteins (Comfort proteins)
  • Emulgold fibre – Soluble gum acacia fibre
  • Profile GOS – GOS enriched whey powder
  • Enzyme solutions
  • Taste systems
  • Fermented ingredients
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