Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, also known as cobalamin, this cannot be made in the body and needs to be ingested through food, supplements, or medication. It is essential for red blood cell formulation, keeping your nerve and brain function healthy, production of DNA, and maintaining cell metabolism. Vitamin B12 is absorbed by the… Read more »
Do you know your pro-biotics, pre-biotics, botanicals and supplements, from your vitamins, macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients? All can help women manage their physical and emotional wellbeing, but what should you consider taking and when? “Nutrition plays a role in women’s health, both in managing different life stages and in promoting long-term health, but with so many options… Read more »
October 18th is World Menopause Day. It’s a day to come together an recognize the significance of menopause in the lives of women worldwide. With the importance of Women’s Health across the life stages, we would like to share key insights from our women’s health webinar that explored the intricate relationship between menopause, health,… Read more »
Scientific research studies play a vital role in advancing our understanding of human health and making evidence-based decisions. In the field of nutritional science, researchers employ different types of studies to unravel the complex relationship between nutrition and well-being. This infographic provides a concise overview of the main types of nutrition research study design, highlighting… Read more »
Immunomodulators often come up in online searches about immunity’s link with food and nutrition, but what are they? In this article, Sonja Nodland, PhD provides examples of immunomodulators found in food and describes the science of how they work.
Nutrition and immunity can be a difficult space to navigate. Vitamin C, zinc, probiotics, beta glucans, and selenium are among the most common nutrients or ingredients used for supporting immune health. Supporting immunity with functional ingredients is top-of-mind for many people around the world, but how do you know which ingredients and nutrients are actually… Read more »
How can the foods we eat influence our mood? Has science been able to explain a link between food and mood? In this KHNI Q Science Short, Aoife Marie Murphy, PhD answers these questions and more. KHNI Q is a video series where scientific experts demystify the science behind healthier food.
Addressing sustainable nutrition is top-of-mind globally, but optimising for nutrition and sustainability can impact taste of foods and beverages. Learn about the role of taste science in tackling challenges that come with sustainable nutrition initiatives like sugar reduction and plant-based eating.
How do alternative protein sources like plants, insects, or cultured meat resonate with consumers? Learn about drivers of acceptance and ways to remove barriers in this summary of a recent study.
How much does sustainable nutrition messaging about upcycled ingredients impact purchase intent? Learn about the findings of a recent study.
In this webinar, learn: How we can optimize plant based protein for taste and nutrition – what we do and don’t know about healthy diets and the role of protein sources How we can optimize new plant-based proteins for the environment – highlighting the trade-offs and unknowns of plant-based protein development Which new protein… Read more »
Is dairy fat healthy or unhealthy? Why do we see recommendations to reduce saturated fat intake, while at the same time see headlines from studies showing full-fat dairy may be healthy for us? The answer lies in the fact that food can often be more than the sum of its parts. Dairy, saturated fat &… Read more »
Vitamin D has been one of the most commonly purchased supplements for immunity since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and there have been varying accounts of how strong the evidence is for vitamin D’s role in preventing infection. The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)… Read more »
Plant-based diets are becoming increasingly popular, but not all sources of nutrients are the same. Animal-based foods like milk or meat are rich sources of certain essential nutrients that are easily absorbed by the human body. These same nutrients are present in many plants but can sometimes be less available to the human body to… Read more »
Circumstances surrounding COVID-19 mean many people are at home more than usual. One way to stay connected to family, food, and mental health is to cook some of your favorite dishes. However, when we’re less physically active during isolation, the extra calories that come with comfort foods may not be so comforting. Here are some… Read more »
Comfort and stress eating are on the rise during the COVID-19 outbreak with many of us now spending much of our time at home. However, food also plays a key role in helping us stay well and healthy during isolation. We sat down with a panel of experts to bring you their perspectives on nutrition,… Read more »
The immune system is complex, and different nutrients can have different roles in supporting immunity. Zinc is one of the more common nutrients brought up in the immunity conversation, so let’s take a look at what it does. What does zinc do for the immune system? Zinc helps the body’s different defense cells develop and… Read more »
Dining out of home and calorie-rich restaurant menus are often blamed as a main driver of the obesity issue worldwide. World Health Organization global estimates that more than 1.9 billion adults aged 18 years and older are overweight (WHO,2018). What if we could make healthier choices in restaurants more obvious and easier to make for… Read more »
Key takeaways from Pangborn 2019: Eating experience and environment has a large impact on food preference. Researchers and those seeking to maximize food preference need to consider consumer experience, using immersive techniques (e.g. augmented reality) to collect more realistic data. Sensory cues can be used to design products that can help make the healthy choice… Read more »
I often find myself wondering “what difference would personalized nutrition make?” Even if you could tell someone what food is healthy specifically for their genetics or lifestyle, so what? People have known for decades to eat more fruits and vegetables to improve their health, yet most people aren’t doing it. Scientists are debating every day… Read more »
What sparked the conversation about personalised nutrition? To nutrition scientist Dr. Aoife Marie Murphy, two things stand out: the emergence of research on the gut microbiome alongside development of technology focused on tracking exercise and nutrition uniquely for each individual. Hear more about Dr. Murphy’s perspective on what drives personalised nutrition, and learn her thoughts… Read more »
In March of 2019, the National Academy of Medicine has updated the Dietary References Intakes (DRI) for sodium and potassium last established in 2005. The DRI for potassium has decreased, while sodium has an entirely new recommendation category. The Dietary Reference Intakes are science-based nutrition recommendations created by the National Academy of Medicine and in… Read more »
What better way to start 2019 than reflecting on some of our readers’ favorite content from 2018? It’s no surprise that our most popular content is aligned with top nutrition trends in 2018, like digestive wellness, beverages redefined, and clean label. Be sure to check out our updated 10 Key Health and Nutrition Trends for… Read more »
For most of our lives, many of us are fighting a constant battle of trying to eat less to maintain a healthy weight. Tasty foods and large portion sizes are alluring throughout most of childhood and adulthood. There are certain times, though, when the opposite is true. Some people struggle with loss of appetite and… Read more »
Summary (scroll down for an infographic summary) Topics & Speakers Unlocking the Power of Phytochemicals – Beverages that Pack a Punch – Lisa Ryan, PhD, RNutr, Head of Department of Natural Sciences, GMIT Identifying the Opportunities Behind Nutritional Beverages Using Sensory and Nutritional Sciences– Benedict Lawlor, PhD, Director of Sensory, Consumer & Analytical Sciences,… Read more »
Personalized nutrition has been around for a long time, but technology has brought it mainstream Dietitians have been doing personalized nutrition counseling for decades, but evolution of technologies and interest in food has brought personalized nutrition to the mainstream spotlight. This began with diet and activity trackers like MyFitnessPal, but has evolved to programs like… Read more »
In this blog we round up the great content on nutrition and exercise on the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute
In a study published in the journal Rheumatology, researchers examined the role between nutrition and osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a condition driven by inflammation, resulting in joint pain. It is one of the fastest growing causes of disability worldwide. Here’s what the researchers found to be effective at reducing osteoarthritis symptoms. Fish oil Omega-3 fatty acids… Read more »
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has made strides in developing plant-based food using plant cell culture (PCC) rather than cultivating it from traditional farming methods. Feeding the world’s growing population is a common agricultural concern due to a limited amount of arable farmland globally. New methods of producing food, like PCC, have promise since… Read more »
Summary (scroll down for an infographic summary) Speakers Sugar Reduction Around the World – Consumer, Health & Legislation Demands: Aisling Aherne, PhD, RNutr, Nutrition Science Manager, Kerry Overcoming the Complexities of Reduced Sugar: Ashley Baker, VP RD&A, Kerry In a world that loves sugar’s familiar qualities…where do you start for its successful reduction? Sugar ranks at the… Read more »
Trends in the food and beverage industry are moving more and more toward the idea of ‘natural’, including eating less processed food. This can leave many of us wondering ‘what is the role of processed food for my nutrition?’ A scientific statement in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition titled Processed foods: contributions to nutrition… Read more »
Could fat be the key to maintaining flavor when modifying sugar or salt levels in food? A new study in the journal Food Quality and Preference explores the impact fat content has on liking of soups and custards with varying levels of fat, sugar, and salt content. Researchers provided study participants either creamy tomato soup… Read more »
Sugar taxes have seen news coverage in recent years as a way to decrease sugar intake, but a new study found potential merit for additional price changes to improve health. A study from Tufts University published in BMC Medicine found that changing the price on 7 foods by 10% could prevent an estimated 23,000 deaths per… Read more »
A newly published clinical study with adults at an average fitness level shows improvement in immune health both during and after strenuous exercise when taking Wellmune®, an immune health ingredient found in food, beverages, and supplements. The study, titled “Oral Supplementation with Baker’s Yeast Beta Glucan Is Associated with Altered Monocytes, T Cells and Cytokines Following… Read more »
Summary (scroll down for an infographic summary) Speakers What’s Driving the Clean Label Movement? Practical Insights – Joseph Borchardt, Strategic Marketing Director, Kerry Nutrition & Healthy Food: Behind the Label – Nathan Pratt, PhD, RD, RD&A Scientist, Nutrition, Kerry Healthy eating has never been more talked about, and the ‘free-from’ trend has been dominating… Read more »
A new study found that many medical students lack the knowledge to properly counsel patients on nutrition, yet still feel confident to provide recommendations to patients. This is a concerning combination, since primary care physicians are a main source of health-related information for much of the population. Specifically, the study found only 12% of students… Read more »
The most cutting edge nutrition and food science research around the globe is conducted in university laboratories, but did you ever wonder what happens to this research once it’s published in a journal? Who uses it? Does it just collect dust? How do the benefits shown in the research make it to consumers? Or do… Read more »
Do vegans have healthier eating and health behaviors than omnivores? A recent study in the journal Appetite found that health behaviors don’t differ much between them. People who choose to be vegans (not consume any animal products) could choose to do so for reasons ranging from ethical to health-related. However, there isn’t much research to… Read more »
Sensory science could be seen as a traditional way to validate the sensory aspects of a food, or it could be seen as a way to strategically link nutrition to food choice. Ciaran Forde, PhD, a researcher in the area of sensory science and food choice, discusses why he thinks sensory science is evolving to… Read more »
Joanne Slavin, PhD, RD is a leading nutrition researcher in the areas of fiber and general wellness. We sat down with her to get her perspective on the future of nutrition, including hot topics like plant proteins, changing fiber regulations, and what’s on the horizon. Dr. Slavin is a Professor in the Department of Food… Read more »
The Role of Flavors in Nutrition With busy lifestyles, many consumers are relying on the food industry for convenient and affordable sources for meals. There is a big emphasis not only on the cost and nutritional value of these options, but also on the taste and eating experience from the purchased items. Flavors play an… Read more »