

Is Your Breakfast Healthy or Not? Why Foods Like Eggs or Coffee Change From “Unhealthy” to “Healthy” Status

Author(s): Heather Nelson Cortes, PhD

Key takeaways: Dietary recommendations change because science develops new understanding It is key to focus on an entire food’s role in health, not just one nutrient or chemical within that food One of the most common criticisms of nutrition science is how confusing it can be. Recommendations will change from “eggs are unhealthy, avoid them”… Read more »


Food Trends & Heart Health – Which Are Yay or Nay?

Many food trends are driven by health motivations, but sometimes a health halo doesn’t translate into an actual benefit. A recent review in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology looked at the evidence for which fads have a heart health benefit and which have no clout. Trends that align with science: Legumes: foods… Read more »


Consumers are Split on Coffee’s Role in Healthy Diet

A scientific review published in the journal Appetite, which focused on consumer coffee consumption, attitudes, and purchasing behavior, found consumers are split on whether coffee is healthy or unhealthy. In reviewing over 54 studies, the researchers found that belief in health benefits of coffee drove consumption for consumers in some studies, while other studies showed… Read more »