
Ryan Hazlett, MSc

RDA Technologist - Kerry
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Ryan Hazlett (MSc) is an expert in the processing and application of nutritional ingredients, such as protein, into powders for use in foods and beverages. He is currently a RD&A technologist who joined Kerry Taste & Nutrition in 2020. Before joining Kerry, Ryan graduated with a MSc by Research from University College Cork where he worked as part of the Food Ingredients Research Group (FIRG) and the Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC). Ryan’s research during these years focused on understanding the properties of nutritional dairy ingredient powders to optimise processing, manufacturing, and application into food and beverage.

Active Ageing – How Can We Optimise Plant Proteins?

Author(s): Ryan Hazlett, MSc

Plant proteins are seen as key to the future of the planet, but they may have some limitations for active ageing. This article reviews actionable strategies such as processing, protein blending, or targeting leucine content that can improve the ability of plant proteins to promote active ageing.


Active Ageing – Why is Protein So Important?

Author(s): Ryan Hazlett, MSc

Muscle is key to staying active at 50+, but ageing reduces our ability to activate muscle growth and repair, leading to a potential loss of up to 50% of our muscle mass between the ages of 30 and 80. Learn the science of why this happens, and how more protein can promote active ageing.